KG & Primary Activity Lab

Computer Lab
It is where we use technology to teach and our students explore the true potential of the learning methods available to them in 1:1 ratio. By using the internet for doing projects, building models and using the tools they would use all throughout as professionals.
English Language Lab
The English Lab uses technology and international phonic programs to guide our students towards a bright future where they learn the correct pronunciation and vocabulary. The English Lab is equipped with computer-based learning modules. It has interactive programs. Computer speaks, students listen and type in and system will evaluate the listening skills. Alternatively students speak and system will analyze the phonetics and also the content and help students to understand the correct way of talking.
Science Lab
At SRNM the Labs are fully equipped with all the laboratory reagents, apparatus, working models, and attached seating facilities are suitable for both demonstration and conducting practical classes. A large display of wall charts make learning more meaningful. These are mostly “Do It Yourself Kits”. Each kit is mapped with a specific lesson of the subject.
Butterfly Fields Activity
This is a structured Do IT Your Self Program. Each activity is mapped to specific lesson of respective class for science and maths subject.
Math Lab
The Math Lab lets our students explore and have adventures with numbers, equations and formulas giving them the much needed experience and perspective to view maths not just as a subject but as a tool for success.
Smart Classes
Teaching through the latest pedagogy, is the on-going motto of the School. All the teachers are trained to teach through smart class, to make teaching enjoyable and refreshing.
Features of Smart Class rooms-
- 1. Descriptive text incorporating images, videos, facts, figures and data related to the lesson.
- 2. Course covered under various boards merging the necessary information according to the competitive exams and future educational requirements of the student.
- 3. Activities after every lesson which enables student to develop high order thinking skills and make their base strong.
- 4. Smart boards are integrated with internet facilitating the teacher to incorporate scientific experiments and mathematical problems.

Toys Room
Books are the monarchs of mind and windows to the world. Books are the quietest and the most consistent friends. They are the most accessible and the wisest counsellors. Our library is fully equipped to navigate the children's voyage to discovery. The vast library is our treasure chest.
Art & Craft Activity
Painting, Drawing, Sketching, Paper craft and other forms of art which give a creative expression to abstract ideas also find equal priority with academics.